Upper-body Multi-function

Multi-functional Neuroprosthetic System for Restoration of Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury The goal of this project is to restore these multiple functions to these individuals through a comprehensive neuroprosthetic approach that addresses the overall needs of the individual. In clinical feasibility studies in people living with spinal cord injury, our clinical research teams have…

Current Clinical Trials

Research Goals Within each of the active clinical protocols, real human needs are being addressed to bring research and technology advances into the clinic. Regulatory oversight is addressed through dedicated staff working with the individual investigators. Leading the charge with the research community, the FES Center continues to expand and review these human subject programs…

January 2019 Cover of the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

[From left: Anthony DiMarco, MD and Krzysztof Kowalski, PhD] The cover of the January 2019 issue of the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation features an article entitled “Complete restoration of respiratory muscle function in three subjects with spinal cord injury.” The respiratory neuroprosthesis, developed by MetroHealth scientists Anthony DiMarco, MD and Krzysztof Kowalski,…

1st Place Winner BCI Award 2018: Restoring Functional Reach-to-Grasp in a Person with Chronic Tetraplegia using Implanted FES and Intracortical BCIs

A. Bolu Ajiboye and Robert F. Kirsch of Case Western Reserve University, USA, in collaboration with Leigh R. Hochberg of Harvard Medical School and Brown University, USA, won 1st place at the BCI Award 2018 with their work “Restoring Functional Reach-to-Grasp in a Person with Chronic Tetraplegia using Implanted Functional Electrical Stimulation and Intracortical Brain-Computer Interfaces“.…

Video & Photography

Sit amet pellentesque nulla Nulla lobortis, ante in tristique congue, augue risus mattis ipsum, sit amet pellentesque nulla nulla nec quam. Donec ac lacus viverra, convallis ex ut, maximus lectus Donec mi felis, aliquam auctor posuere at, aliquet a erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam placerat…