Bowel Function

Bowel issues occur in nearly all people after spinal cord injury (SCI) and one major complication is fecal incontinence (accidents). This complication has been repeatedly highlighted by people living with SCI as particularly life-limiting and in need of more options for interventions.       Researchers are working on a study to test the effect…

Bladder Function

Electrical Activation of Afferent Nerves to Restore Bladder Function The overall goal of this program is to restore pelvic health to individuals with neurological disease or injury. About This Study This study uses electrical stimulation to activate or inhibit the bladder in individuals with SCI during urodynamics. Study Information This program will demonstrate the effectiveness…

Urology / Pelvic Health

Urology / Pelvic Health Program Overview Spinal Cord Injury at any level usually affects bladder and bowel control. The nerves controlling these organs attach to the base of the spinal cord and are therefore cut off from brain input. This results in bladder or bowel dysfunction, which is termed “neurogenic bladder” or “neurogenic bowel.” Symptoms…

Spinal Cord Injury

Damage to the spinal cord, to the nerves in the spinal canal, or to surrounding anatomy (such as a vertebra, as shown below) can result in a spinal cord injury (SCI). The parts of the body controlled by the spinal cord at and below the level of the injury are affected. Paralysis or partial loss…

Restoration of Cough

Stimulation With Wire Leads to Restore Cough The goal of this project is to implement an effective, more natural cough using a system that can be independently operated by the user. About This Study The purpose of this clinical trial is to determine if a new minimally invasive method of electrical stimulation of the expiratory…

Arm & Shoulder Movement

Stimulation With Wire Leads to Restore Arm & Shoulder Movement The goal of this research is to enable an individual with a high level spinal injury to control the multiple joints of their arm in order to allow activities such as feeding and grooming. About This Study This program explores the stimulation and control methods…

ReHAB Study

Reconnecting the Hand and Arm to the Brain – Bridging the Mind And Body Previously, a team of researchers from University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University, in collaboration with the BrainGate2 consortium, developed a system of muscle stimulation controlled by a brain-computer interface that allowed a paralyzed person to move his…

Hand Grasp

Multi-functional Neuroprosthetic System for Restoration of Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury The goal of this project is to restore these multiple functions to these individuals through a comprehensive neuroprosthetic approach that addresses the overall needs of the individual. In clinical feasibility studies in people living with spinal cord injury, our clinical research teams have…

Trunk Control & Posture

Multi-functional Neuroprosthetic System for Restoration of Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury The goal of this project is to restore these multiple functions to these individuals through a comprehensive neuroprosthetic approach that addresses the overall needs of the individual. In clinical feasibility studies in people living with spinal cord injury, our clinical research teams have…