Implanted Blood Pressure Sensor for Autonomic Dysreflexia Monitoring/Alarm
The program goal is to take advantage of significant advances in technology over the past to address Autonomic dysreflexia (AD); first through development of a fully implanted AD detection and alert (ADDA) system, and ultimately through development of an AD mitigation and treatment system.

About This Study
The central feature of the ADDA system is blood pressure (BP) monitoring, utilizing a sensor and processor that measure BP and HR at regular intervals. The BP sensor will ultimately be implanted, providing a stable recording without requiring any intervention by the user.
Study Information
The plan of this project is to develop the detailed design specifications for the implanted ADDA system through two Specific Aims:
- Establish the ADDA System design requirements using an acute and chronic pre-clinical model. Test subdural PPG sensors to 1) determine the PPG design sensor requirements for intramuscular placement of sensors; 2) determine the necessary characteristics of sensor encapsulation; and 3) determine the signal processing requirements for accurate BP prediction, including methods can be used to automatically identify and remove movement and noise artifacts. These tests will also provide us with a projection of the expected accuracy of our proposed system.
- Establish the ADDA System design requirements using able-bodied and SCI individuals.Evaluate the proposed BP monitoring and AD detection system in clinical trials using externally applied components (to the extent possible). Test PPG sensor signal quality intraoperatively in individuals undergoing neuroprosthesis system implantation and will test electrocardiogram (ECG) prediction with current neuroprosthesis system users. These studies will provide information regarding ECG sensor design requirements; consistency of BP estimation parameters; and calibration requirements and frequency.
Principal Investigator: Kevin Kilgore, PhD
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