Stimulation With Wire Leads to Restore Arm & Shoulder Movement
The goal of this research is to enable an individual with a high level spinal injury to control the multiple joints of their arm in order to allow activities such as feeding and grooming.

About This Study
This program explores the stimulation and control methods needed to restore shoulder, arm and hand function to individuals-with high level spinal cord injury (Cl-C4).
Study Information
This research includes using new-types of electrodes, developing a realistic simulation of the human arm and testing a variety of ways to command the system, including muscle signals, brain signals and external sensors. The arm simulator allows for identification of which muscles to use and to test different ways of using the command signals to detect how the individual wants to move their arm. The sensors provide information about the arm’s movement that can be used to position the hand and arm closer to a target item.
Principal Investigators: Robert Kirsch, PhD; Kevin Kilgore, PhD
Program Contact: Bill Memberg
Contact Number: (216) 957-3606
Contact Email:
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