Longitudinal Observation of Myoelectric Upper Limb Orthosis Use among Veterans with Upper Limb Impairment
The specific aims of this project are to evaluate therapeutic effects of the myoelectric upper limb orthosis, and to evaluate functional effects of the myoelectric upper limb orthosis.

About This Study
The main objective of this research study is to document functional outcomes over time in patients who use and train with an arm brace with powered elbow motion and hand grasp. Our study proposes to contribute the evidence needed to support clinical implementation of the MyoPro Motion-G brace. Documenting benefits is essential to the prescription, provision, and reimbursement of the device.
Study Information
This four-part study requires 29 visits over the course of 22 weeks. The four components of this study include enrollment, orthotic fitting, therapy/training, and home use. Evaluations of therapeutic and functional benefits will take place every 2-3 weeks over 18 weeks using simple, short clinical tests.
Detailed program information and criteria available at: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03215771?term=Longitudinal+Observation+of+Myoelectric+Upper+Limb+Orthosis+Use+among+Veterans+with+Upper+Limb+Impairment&draw=2&rank=1
Principal Investigators: Svetlana Pundik, MD, MSc
Program Contact: Jessica McCabe, PT
Contact Number: (216) 791-3800 x 3830
Contact Email: jmccabe@fescenter.org
Contact Request
Researchers rely on individuals to serve as volunteers for program studies. Each study is designed to answer questions about a specific medical aspect or the effectiveness of a particular treatment. Through the commitment of research volunteers, knowledge gained and communicated to other medical professionals ultimately benefits the community.
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