‘Somebody Has to Do the Research’
Bill Kochevar’s lasting legacy will be his selfless commitment to helping others with quadriplegia regain control over their limbs.
Bill Kochevar’s lasting legacy will be his selfless commitment to helping others with quadriplegia regain control over their limbs.
The brain’s enigmas often extend to the diseases that attack it. Doctors explain what symptoms to watch for and more. Contributions from Dr. Riechers as he explains Traumatic Brain Injury and Migraines.
Researchers at Case Western Reserve prevent seizures in 90% of non-human subjects with low-frequency stimulation of axons in brain
The exceptional women featured in these profiles bring a broad range of skills, talent and innovations to bear on the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Thanks to their leadership, mentoring and example, young women throughout Northeast Ohio and beyond can envision and secure a future for themselves in STEM.
A. Bolu Ajiboye and Robert F. Kirsch of Case Western Reserve University, USA, in collaboration with Leigh R. Hochberg of Harvard Medical School and Brown University, USA, won 1st place at the BCI Award 2018 with their work “Restoring Functional Reach-to-Grasp in a Person with Chronic Tetraplegia using Implanted Functional Electrical Stimulation and Intracortical Brain-Computer Interfaces“.…
The poster was selected to receive a Travel Grant Award from theSociety and chosen for a Guided Poster Tour.
The journal topic includes several articles written by Dr. Shaikh and FES Center Investigator, Fatema Ghasia, MD.
First-of-its-kind clinical trial exploring the use of DBS to restore motor function in patients who have suffered a stroke.
A panel of senior figures from the Royal Institution, Nature and Research Fortnight magazine made the choices from nearly a hundred entries this year.
BrainGate2 research by Bolu Ajiboye, PhD and Robert Kirsch, PhD is prominently featured in chapter nine of the recently published book, The Performance Cortex: How Neuroscience Is Redefining Athletic Genius by Zach Schonbrun. Whether it is timing a 95 mph fastball or reaching for a coffee mug, movement requires a complex suite of computations that many take…