1st Place Winner BCI Award 2018: Restoring Functional Reach-to-Grasp in a Person with Chronic Tetraplegia using Implanted FES and Intracortical BCIs

A. Bolu Ajiboye and Robert F. Kirsch of Case Western Reserve University, USA, in collaboration with Leigh R. Hochberg of Harvard Medical School and Brown University, USA, won 1st place at the BCI Award 2018 with their work “Restoring Functional Reach-to-Grasp in a Person with Chronic Tetraplegia using Implanted Functional Electrical Stimulation and Intracortical Brain-Computer Interfaces“.…

“The Performance Cortex: How Neuroscience Is Redefining Athletic Genius” by Zach Schonbrun

BrainGate2 research by Bolu Ajiboye, PhD and Robert Kirsch, PhD is prominently featured in chapter nine of the recently published book, The Performance Cortex: How Neuroscience Is Redefining Athletic Genius by Zach Schonbrun. Whether it is timing a 95 mph fastball or reaching for a coffee mug, movement requires a complex suite of computations that many take…