Title |
A Slotted Episysial Electrode |
Description | |
FES Center Tracking Code |
2003-0756 |
Inventor(s) | Ronald Triolo |
Patent Numbers | |
Patent Type | Unknown |
Country of Filing | United States |
Filing Date | 29/08/2002 |
Issue Date |
Title |
Variable Rigidity Trunk Corset |
Description | |
FES Center Tracking Code |
2009-1623 |
Inventor(s) | Rudolf Kobetic; Ronald Triolo |
Patent Numbers | |
Patent Type | Provisional |
Country of Filing | United States |
Filing Date | 16/04/2009 |
Issue Date |
Title |
A Vertical Lift Walker for Sit-to-Stand Transition Assistance |
Description | |
FES Center Tracking Code |
2010-1846 |
Inventor(s) | Ronald Triolo |
Patent Numbers | |
Patent Type | Provisional |
Country of Filing | United States |
Filing Date | 18/01/2012 |
Issue Date |