Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Executive Director
The Cleveland Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Center has seen significant progress over the past year and has developed a strong plan for the future in our recent RR & D Center proposal. We are excited that we have received core support for the FES Center for 25 years to continue to drive FES research, technologies, and translational opportunities.
The Cleveland Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Center has seen significant progress over the past year and has developed a strong plan for the future in our recent RR & D Center proposal. We are excited that we have received core support for the FES Center for 25 years to continue to drive FES research, technologies, and translational opportunities.
The FES Center is a global leader in Neurostimulation and Neuromodulation research that addresses the unmet rehabilitation needs of individuals with spinal cord injuries and neurological disorders. The FES Center consists of individuals who perform and support cutting edge research projects focused on the development and clinical translation of a wide spectrum of rehabilitation interventions based on FES.

Medical Director
The FES Center broadly facilitates the research of its investigators by nurturing a trans-disciplinary research community and providing unique, shared resources and infrastructure. The FES Center attracts and maintains top research talent, strategically guides research directions and facilitates institutional synergies and individual collaborations.
FES Center Advocates
Our advocates come in all shapes and sizes – individuals including research participants and families, sponsors, and institutions that have led to our successes along the way. Due to the support and passion of so many we are closer to realizing our goal!
We encourage you to share our research and stories and to connect with us to continue to strengthen and support the drive of the Cleveland FES Center.
Robert Kirsch, PhD | Executive Director
Ronald Riechers, MD | Medical Director